Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Brown Rice and Lentil Savory crepe - Ade Dose

So though I am all sick today, I was pretty OK when I decided to do Ade Dose yesterday for dinner. Since it requires soaking of ingredients, I could do the preparation yesterday morning itself.

I am using organic rice for this, also known as brown rice. It is very nutritious and beats the boring white rice any day. Brown rice takes longer to cook and to soak. So I soaked brown rice in hot water so that it softens easily.

This recipe uses 3 different lentils as well. They are chana dal or split bengal gram, toor dal or yellow pigeon peas and moong dal or split green gram. All three are used in equal proportion and soaked as well. The version which my mom makes has urad dal (black gram) as well. But this is mom-in-laws recipe and she never uses that.

This dosa is heavy in nutrition and does not necessarily require a chutney as condiment. At home, we eat it with curd, jaggery or molgai pudi (spicier version of chutney powder) with oil. We add hing or asafetida and ginger to reduce the gassiness of lentils.

Serves: 4

Preparation Time:  5 hours soaking time + 15 mins blending time + 1 or 2 mins per dosa


  • 1/2 cup chana dal soaked overnight or for 5 hours
  • 1/2 cup moong dal soaked overnight or for 5 hours
  • 1/2 cup toor dal soaked overnight or for 5 hours
  • 1 and 1/2 cups brown rice soaked overnight or for 5 hours
  • 2 green chilies
  • 3 dry red chilies
  • 1 inch grated ginger
  • 2-3 tsp salt
  • A pinch of hing or asafetida
  • A pinch of turmeric

Ingredients for tempering:

  • Oil
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 10 curry leaves
  • A pinch of hing


  • Grind soaked chana dal, moong dal and toor dal with little water along with both red and green chilies, ginger, hing and turmeric.
  • Grind soaked brown rice separately with  little water into a fine paste.
  • Add salt to it and mix both the batter until you get an even consistency.
  • In a small spatula heat a tsp of oil, once hot add mustard seeds and let it crackle.
  • Add hing and curry leaves and fry it for a second or two.
  • Add this tempering to the batter and mix it.
  • On a hot flat pan or tava add this batter to the center using a spatula and spread it in increasing clockwise direction until it is a rough circle and the dosa is spread thin.
  • Add 1/4 tsp of oil around this dosa and let it cook for a minute or two.
  • Roast the opposite side as well and fold and remove. Continue this for the rest of batter.
Excess batter can be stored in the fridge and used whenever needed. Once it starts smelling of sourness, its time to discard.

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