Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Veggie Kebab

Thanks to my in-laws, first thing I saw today morning were chocolate and strawberry covered strawberries! Thank you for a very early birthday gift Maina and Amma, I simply love it. I think it is one of the best gift anyone can get, since it is fruit - obviously fruit is healthy, and chocolate - I mean who doesn't love chocolates. I feel they are better than traditional cakes for birthdays and are guilt free eats.

Back to the recipe. I love finger foods. Anything that is bit size and vegetarian, I am game for it! I make these kinds of recipes on Saturdays or Sundays when we have had nice and heavy lunch.

Kebabs were first conceptualized in Middle Eastern Countries and was eaten for breakfast with Pita and Naan breads. Though traditionally, kebab are roasted in fire pits, at home, we can roast it on pan or in an oven. There are numerous kebabs available all around the world.

Do you find yourself with left over bread that is going to expire very soon? Then this recipe is for you. I made it when I had few slices of leftover bread and it turned out to be our favorite. In case you don't have bread you can use more potatoes or use baked beans. In our house, my husband is a potato fan and I on the other hand, don't like it that much. You can fry it in oil and call it cutlets so it can work in both ways. I grated the boiled potatoes since it tends to be more even, you can use the good old mashing method as well.

It is best eaten hot on a cold or rainy day with or without traditional pita/naan.

Serves: 3-4

Preparation Time: For oven baking 1 hour, for stove top 30 mins


  • 2 large potatoes boiled, peeled and grated (I used Idaho)
  • 2 large carrots grated finely (use the smallest hole of grater)
  • 6-8 bread slices coarsely powdered in blender or food processor without water
  • 1 small onion chopped finely
  • 1 small green chili chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp oil
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric (optional)
  • 1 tsp chaat masala
  • 1 tsp coriander powder
  • 1 tsp cumin powder
  • 1 tsp red chili powder
  • Salt as needed


  • Mix all the above ingredients in a large bowl.
  • Check for salt and add more if needed.
  • Pinch a lemon sized ball from the mixture and make a fist and give a rough cylindrical shape to form kebabs. Continue this for the rest of the mixture.
  • In a baking tray, place a sheet of parchment paper and place all the hand made raw kebabs and bake it for 1 hour at 350K or 175C, turning it every 15 mins . Make sure they have some space between them before baking.
  • For stove top, take a non stick flat pan or grill and roast the raw kebab in batches turning them till golden brown. You can choose to add oil to the pan while roasting, if you need, since there is oil already in the mixture.
  • Serve hot with ketchup or mint or coriander chutney.

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